Play Quack

Turn your skills into crypto rewards

Grow your Quack Empire

Learn the intricacies of the duck economy, acquire, evolve and monetize your ducks using various strategies

Send to Farming


Buy your $QUACK, put them on preaches and create a stable income flow for your farm.
Rent to Metaverse


Hold your $QUACK tokens or NFTs for long-term gains.


Get substantial rewards by playing Duck Games/ Buy $QUACK tokens/ Hold NFTs

Play and Earn

Start for free to receive rewards in multiple play-and-earn modes, where ducks are the main сharacters

Play The Quack Games

feed the duckling and grow it into a full-fledged adult duck


minimum 25$ woth QUACK tokens and stake them to raise the duckling


any 2 NFTs and stake them in the marketplace to feed your duckling.


Gamers, community builders, streamers, guilds and more, can be rewarded for contributing to the success of the QUACK. Show your love, be active to earn more $QUACK.